Why Investors Hate Your Pitch And How To Fix It

Why Investors Hate Your Pitch And How To Fix It


When raising capital the top 5 reasons why investors hate your pitch and how to fix it covers valuations, financials, executive team, exit strategy and business model.

Get the hacks➜ https://www.bradleybirchall.com/land_whyinvestorshateyourpitch/

PRO TIP: Only listen to expert advice from people that have done it themselves, drop the supposed experts that have got it second hand!

** Why Investor Hate Your Pitch Checklist **
1. Valuation Too Optimistic – keep it real
2. Financials Too Optimistic – base it on sales forecasts not % of market
3. Lack of Executive/Board Experience – find experienced advisor/director
4. No Exit Strategy – have an exit strategy of IPO or Trade Sale
5. Poor or No Business Plan – use this pitch and extend it



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