Do The Best Startups Really Get Funded During Bad Times?
Chat with any venture capitalist about the current down market and their talking point is always the same — great companies get funded during downturns. But is that really true?...
Organic Growth Is A Mugs Game: Accelerate Your Growth Now
So, what’s “Organic Growth”; Organic growth is the gradual growth in a company’s revenue through the slow and...
What Is Capital Raise Dilution v Founder Equity?
Capital raise dilution and founder equity is commonly misunderstood, getting it wrong can kill investment,...
Why Women-Owned Startups Are a Better Bet
Why Women-Owned Startups Are a Better Bet June 6, 2018 By Katie Abouzahr, Frances Brooks Taplett, Matt Krentz & John Harthorne. The gender pay gap is well documented: women...
Capital Raising For Startups Masterclass
It's been a long time in the making… and well my dog ate the script but its finally here. A distillation of my startup and capital raising experiences into an online Capital...
Why Investors Hate Your Pitch And How To Fix It
When raising capital the top 5 reasons why investors hate your pitch and how to fix it covers valuations,...
Only one thing matters. That you f#@^ing finish what you START.
Only one thing matters. That you f#@^ing finish what you START. This is the single most important medium post you will ever read. I believe that I am about to change your life....
Working From Home Makes You Happier and ‘Massively’ More Productive, According to Science
CREDIT: Matthew Henry via StockSnap By Geoffrey James Contributing editor, Working from home has got a bad rap. Many people seem to think it's a way to avoid hard work by...
How to Work 40 Hours (In Under 20)
By Chris Winfield, I used to be one of those people who loved to brag about how busy he was. You know the type. Heck, you might even be one of "those" people... Until...
A Startup Conversation: What Happens When Your Team Doubles in 4 Months
I love this post from the Buffer co-founders Joel and Leo, (, I have personally experienced consistent doubling in team sizes in nearly every tech startup i have...
Capital Raise
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